I. Shahada:
A. Translation: Declaration Of Faith.
B. Explanation Of Shahada: To become Muslim you have to recite the Shahada.
II. Salat:
A. Translation: Prayer.
B. Explanation Of Salat: Salat has be performed 5 times a day.
III. Zakat:
A. Translation: Alms Giving.
B. Explanation Of Zakat: Muslims have to give the poor half of their savings.
IV. Sawm:
A. Translation: Fasting For One Month.
B. Explanation Of Sawm: All Muslims must fast for one month. But there are exceptions like age and health.
V. Hajj:
A. Translation: Pilgrimage.
B. A journey to where Islam started. If they could afford it.
Question: In your mind, what is the most important Pillar and why?
Post By: Ben.S, Micheal, Andy