Cincinnatus was, and often still is, considered a hero by many Romans. He accepted the rule of Roman Law and gave up his wealth so that his son could be safe. Even though he lost almost all of his possessions and wealth because of the Roman laws, he did not hesitate to drop everything and come to Rome's defense by fighting for the continued existence of those laws in 458 BCE.
Not only did Cincinnatus lead the Roman army as a dictator in their time of need but he also willingly walked away from the office of dictator to return to being a simple farmer even though the soldiers were fiercely loyal and extremely grateful for all he had done.
I. Fall from power
A. Was a powerful patrician
B. Gave up possessions/wealth to save his son
C. Became a farmer
II. Dictator returns to his farm
A. Led Roman army as dictator
B. Defeated enemies
C. Gives up power as dictator and returns to his farm
Based on your knowledge of Roman history, and the evolution of their government(s) in particular, why do you think Cincinnatus is seen as such a hero?